Friday, July 23, 2010

Week 7 - Hola! G'Day! Ni Hao! Bonjour! Guten Tag!

This week we've journeyed "All Around the World" without even leaving the comfort of Camp Maripai. We cheered at the monsoon which has finally arrived and the rain certainly didn't dampen our spirits. Our International Staff have stepped up to share their cultures. On Tuesday we celebrated Columbian Independence Day with our two Columbian staff by feasting on Salpicon, a traditional meal and learning a few facts about the country. That evening we had an international taste testing, we'll let your campers tell you about the variety of foods they sampled.

Iron Chef and Outdoor Eplorer were rained out during their horseback riding time, but despite this they had a grand ol' time.

Our CIT's and WIT's explored their leadership qualities at the Oxford Leadership Program last weekend and then fawned over seeing boys as they visited nearby camps and hosted the Friendly Pines CIT's for a tour of Maripai.

After a highly successful cookout dinner, the whole camp slept out on the field Wednesday night under the stars (no rain!) and we watched the movie Ponyo, a japanese anime version of The Little Mermaid.

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